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Das Twit  Date: 2002-06-10 22:32:18
Comments: Actually I do a great job scaring em away without the camera . . .

monkey Date: 2002-06-10 03:44:04
Comments: hey if its for the main reason of scaring girls away. ill take that offer. how much does it pay?i need a faster motor for kings sick and tierd of seeing asses when they should be checking on mine.

Das Twit  Date: 2002-06-04 19:06:50
Comments: C - I'm afraid you have me confussed with Chad.

ch  Date: 2002-06-04 15:38:24
Comments: Butchy-lile amozonian feet like Mine? Hey DDA, I have this friend that is making a film and needs a faggy, annoying, voyeristic, pest to repel the ladies. You interested?

Das Twit  Date: 2002-06-03 22:06:04
Comments: C. I think you're just secretly mad because this is the only pix I posted of you. Anyway, I have a friend who's making this stag film and he needs some butchy-lile amozonian feet like yours for squishing bugs in high heats. You up for it?

airspeed Date: 2002-05-28 19:40:41
Comments: i was getting worried about the speed limit there for a while....dude, monkey was beating u

ch  Date: 2002-05-28 10:25:27
Comments: Fuck you DDA. At least my scooter goes faster than 35 mph.

Das Twit  Date: 2002-05-27 17:40:11
Comments: Is it just me, or are those some big ass feet?