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Warning: virtual() [function.virtual]: Unable to include '/fonts/font.cgi?lambretta/24/shadow1/border=0/CC4444/Late 50's early 60's Vespa and Lambretta.gif' - request execution failed in /home/scoot/apache_html/incs/ on line 26

Year/Make/ModelLate 50's early 60's Vespa and Lambretta 
DescriptionLate 50's early 60's Vespa and Lambretta (150D). Both in decent condition, but currently do not run. Need a lil TLC. Have serial numbers, but no paper work. Got as a gift and need to offload due to moving. Looking to sell both, together, as a package for $2500 obo. for more details.  
LocationOrange County, CA 
PhoneEmail only.  
email[retreive email address]
scooter for sale
Date posted2014-06-23 07:41:58