The Gotham Rally is organized by a group of NYC scooterists,
independently of the NY Area scooter clubs and is executed with the help
of the larger scooter community in NYC.
These pictures were taken by various people, and they are arranged by photographer.
Rally Sponsors included:
You can see a list of which pictures people have added comments to at the picture comments page or view all the thumbnails on one page.
There are patches for this rally in the patch gallery.
dc_rob 76 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Sara 110 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Hans 26 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
modified 69 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
JediGregory_Saturday_Night 61 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
David 20 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Rania__Quincy 70 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
ferretmath 124 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
thatguy__saturday 31 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
ScottFromBaltimore 71 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Anthony_J_Boney 50 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Simon 143 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Jonathan_Perkel 25 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Jay__Stella 25 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
pdx_greg 46 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Herb 12 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
thatguy__sunday 146 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Johnny_CiaoNY 25 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Martin_the_German 2 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Adam 89 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
JediGregory_SaturDAY 40 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
kevin 25 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
thatguy__friday 90 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Mothboy 121 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
PJ_Chmiel 133 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
kaj 94 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Gem_CIty_Clark 3 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
JediGregory_Sunday 80 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Kevin 77 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
MOODYCAMERA 100 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
64Punk 48 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Bchrome 34 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
judy 84 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Flavorphoto 17 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Beth_and_Ryan 18 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
jessibot 59 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Jason 50 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Andy_Shaw 125 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
hardboiled 15 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Franky 9 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
mobboss 65 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Mike_Boyd 20 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Gem_City_Clark 50 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
VESPASTIC 116 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Dirk 316 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
JediGregory 35 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Kristine_and_Rob 41 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow
Kathy 0 Pictures
thatguy__thursday 37 Pictures tiny thumbnails - slideshow