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deacon blue'
Date: 2002-08-02 13:06:37
Comments: here in antioch, if it don't work.... we make it work.
Date: 2002-07-16 07:20:32
Comments: Full details- as he was putting the cases together, the needle bearings weren't aligned, and he pressed hard enough to put a hairline crack on the inside of the case, right amongst all the structural reinforcments. I don't know if it went all the way through, but Ian (the redheaded kid) said he layered on 3-5 coats of JB. Apparently it's been running fairly well. (for now!)
Date: 2002-07-15 09:35:25
Comments: His name was Ian.
Date: 2002-07-15 09:31:05
Comments: i dont know whos it was. the annaoc(sp) guy pointed it out to me and I snapped the pic.
Date: 2002-07-15 09:11:27
Comments: at first I thought it was JB weld covering the hole where they grinded off the gear selector box, then I realized it was a smallframe. Whose was that? that's bad news...
Date: 2002-07-15 07:41:21
Comments: that's gangsta.
Date: 2002-07-15 07:39:47
Comments: And they say Paul Frank is your friend...I'd say it's JB Weld.
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