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Date: 2004-10-08 23:04:14
Comments: The best ratbike ever is the astrobastard. some guy in washington owns it. he made it with hand-me-downs
Date: 2004-10-04 20:46:36
Comments: sorry, not clever enough...
Date: 2004-10-04 19:04:13
Comments: Nancy.
Date: 2004-10-04 19:02:42
Comments: Look Payne, stop calling my scoot J Lo. I'm not kidding. I'll get everyone in Providence to call this one Dubbuah and if that doesn't put a stop to it we'll call the new one RonnieRayGun (cause it's yellow, like a banana, and Bonzo liked to eat bananas, and Ronnie was in movies with Bonzo... so it makes perfect sense). No wait, we should call this one Nancy and the other one Ronnie... yeah, that's it.
Date: 2004-10-04 17:57:08
Comments: Well, well. I know of a certain gs160 that happens to be white and has been affectionatly dubbed J Lo because of it's big ol badonka donk butt that should have won best badonka donk butt, but there is no such award. darn.
Date: 2004-10-04 10:02:58
Comments: Please my T5 is way more rat and it made the 10 hour scoot back to Boston. I'm always getting denied. I mean my seat isn't mounted, Im nothign but scratches and dents and primer and rattle can, my trim is crapped away due to the crash I took last year when I drove out to Narrowsburg, my clutch is gone, and so much more. I'm so a best rat but since I'm not all flat black I get no love. pshaw!
Date: 2004-09-20 10:32:18
Comments: Should have been best rat (or custom for that matter).
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