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Professor Matthew
Date: 2005-07-15 00:14:10
Comments: It's not veggie bacon. It's turkey bacon. Yes, she's cooking meat.
Dan Bombastic
Date: 2005-07-14 17:54:29
Date: 2005-06-07 08:13:23
Comments: Galewood, buddy, it's GALEwood.
Date: 2005-06-03 13:58:35
Comments: you guys are the BIGGEST baconites i have EVER seen! is Glenwood in Bacon County? maybe a vote sould be made to change Glenwood to Baconwood.
bacon flavored pop tarts, topped with a big scoop of Rocky Bacon-Road icream. bacon flavored tooth picks could be used to to hold maricino bacon-cherries to the congloberation.
afterwards, our bacon flavored tooth paste can wash away the bacon-tums, while a big dollop of bacon flavored anal ease so everything comes out smoothly
bacon can be used for anything. how can we run a scoot on it
POC Michelle
Date: 2005-06-01 23:33:28
Comments: Now THIS is damn funny!
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