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Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-23 16:11:45
Comments: No Harley and leather chaps... only a Kimco and a scooter skirt! Another geek.
Date: 2007-09-23 09:01:42
Comments: It is all good. A jerk is a jerk no matter how cool they scoot be. A cool person is still cool even sittin on China plastic. Speaking for myself, I like the "scene" because of the diversity not only of people, but of scooters. If I wanted samenes, I would get a chrome dream Harley and a leather vest and go to Sturgis.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-20 20:01:18
Comments: Fact: New scooters are gay.
Date: 2007-09-16 16:10:31
Comments: they cant afford a room. they blew all the money at the beach. that is where all that sand got in their vaginas making them so bitchy.
Chris ECSC
Date: 2007-09-16 13:32:59
Comments: Good Jesus will you two get a room already?
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-16 10:35:59
Comments: To me a Stellas not a T&G it's even two stroke and it has a manual clutch and is mostly made of steel... and you need a little skill to ride it and it looks just like a P series Vespa... I am talking about the fucking Plastic Vespas and Chinese scooters with absolute dumbasses riding them...The ones that buy a new scooter and automatically think they are a part of a scene and don't understand the differences between old and new...They just see reliable and easy VS. Old tempermental and harder to ride. 99% don't even know what Quadrafinia is or how to turn a screwdriver let alone ride... This is my beef and if you dont agree, I don't care.
My Stupid Name
Date: 2007-09-15 16:30:53
Comments: What does posting or not posting your name have to do with anything. What happened to having fun together as a group without all these rules about what's "cool" and who's a "twit." I've been riding vintage for 15 years but guess what, I also ride a Stella. So, if I choose to ride my Stella instead of my ET3 at a rally I'm a "fag" who should stay home or stick with my own kind? What exactly is my kind? What an idiotic way tho think. See what happens Old Schoolist when you introduce all your negative bullshit into the scene? You cause a big bunch of drama that snowballs into more fighting and hate. Get over it or stay home, nobody else seems to mind.
Date: 2007-09-14 13:14:13
Comments: Oh, and for the record, when it comes to scooters I generally prefer 'classic' types over 'modern' BUT the deciding factor when it comes to who I enjoy riding with is the one thing found on all scooters - the nut that holds the headset.
Date: 2007-09-14 12:46:27
Comments: You're ALL a bunch of FUCKING TWITS for not posting your comments with a real name. If you don't have the BALLS to back up your statement with an ID, do us all a favor and SHUT UP. I'd vote for having Bill erase this entire thing.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-13 22:40:29
Comments: You have no clue. And That's what makes you uncool..
You spineless little Wanker! Piss off!
Hurry up...Are you dead yet?
the fonz
Date: 2007-09-13 21:46:16
Comments: pretty intelligent. are you nine years old? why are you so concerned with being "cool"? could it be that you know you are not cool? could it be you have no self confidence. could it be that you are actually jealous of people who don't obsess over being cool and can go on with their lives happily and confidently without being defined by their fucking scooter. You are a sad sad little boy.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-13 21:21:11
Comments: PS. Plastic scooters will never be considered Vintage or Classics...And will never be cool just like you will never be cool. Please go kill yourself.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-13 21:16:54
Comments: Keep sticking up for the new scooters/scooterists and dilute the rallies even more with new junk making more old school scooterists want to stay at home till there's no cool scooters attending and no scene at all!
Fuck off you dick!
Date: 2007-09-13 18:10:51
Comments: Guess what, YOUR scooter was new once dickweed. What a tool.
Date: 2007-09-13 17:39:09
Comments: Yeah, and while we're at it, lets put them on trains and ship them into "modern" camps. Keep them SEPARATE at all costs. Don't let them ruin the blood line, right "Old Schoolist"?
Date: 2007-09-13 17:34:08
Comments: God, what a dick. Get over yourself. Your whole identity shouldn't be wrapped up in your precious vintage scooter. For the record I ride vintage so don't bother calling me a modern riding "fag." I wish people like YOU would stay away from otherwise open and friendly rallies.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-10 21:58:08
Comments: I don't want to ride with them or have them ride with me.
I wish they would stick to the Modern Vespa rallies where they belong. Among themselves! Easy as that! Come ride with old scooters/scooterists when you buy an old scooter.
I hate tupperware
Date: 2007-09-10 20:52:01
Comments: Its not that we dont want to ride with them, Its we dont want them to show up and ride with us.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-08 15:38:36
Comments: Good stay home for all rallies! Fag!
Date: 2007-09-08 15:27:48
Comments: Whatever you say Mr.Elitist, that's the exact reason I didn't go to this Rally is cause of jackasses like yourself who think the only cool scooter is one that doesn't start. Get over yourself dude.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-07 20:40:15
Comments: Most modern scooterists seem polite... Just not on the same page with vintage riders... I personally don't ride with them. And wish they would unite and ride among themselves.
Date: 2007-09-07 10:43:43
Comments: Modern riders have their own culture and it is growing fast. If you don't like them, don't ride with them, but remember, scooter culture overall is not meant to be unfriendly.
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-06 18:58:36
Comments: Just go buy a new "Vespa" or other piece of crap scooter and now you are part of the scooter scene???!!
I think not! There is a scooter subculture, which these types will never be a part of.
Date: 2007-09-06 18:40:33
Comments: they are helping keep the scene alive
Old Schoolist
Date: 2007-09-06 18:12:26
Comments: These are the type of people and scooters that I wish wouldn't show up to scooter rallies.
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