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Mel  Date: 2007-09-19 07:57:17
Comments: It's a funny joke if you get the reference...otherwise I sound like kind of a cocky butthole. I'd never ride a buddy or a vino btw.

Rover Eric  Date: 2007-09-19 06:30:24
Comments: "A stella is a step up from a plastic piece of crap..." Oh stop it - it's a manual shifting, 2-stroke bike..and a completely legit first bike for people to get exposure to vintage bikes on. Would you rather her ride around on a buddy or a vino?

Lagerhead Date: 2007-09-18 21:30:58
Comments: I didn't get the joke so I googled it. Now I get it, you learned me something, thanks. I thought it was leet code for a Scandinavian Oi/pop tribute band. 014884.

Stella Date: 2007-09-18 16:19:20
Comments: I've owned vintage in the past, and while I agree vintage Vespas are cooler than anything new, I have had nothing but good times on my Stella. I just take care of it and it has never left me stranded like my Vespa used to all the time. I would hardly call Stellas pieces of crap. That's a pretty big leap.

marlon  Date: 2007-09-18 14:45:56
Comments: A stella is a step up from a plastic piece of crap...

~jen  Date: 2007-09-18 10:59:25
Comments: Hey Debbie Downer, I LOVE people who are too much of a pussy to sign their posts. Not EVERY Stella has crank issues...and it's the bearing, not the crank itself. Why don't you bitch to the Indian manufacturer, not to the people who bought the Stellas?
Seriously, I think I peed a little when I saw this picture. But I think that's only 13 words, Mel. :D

Mel  Date: 2007-09-18 09:16:54
Comments: The odometer reading is pure comedy...hence my initial comment (I think most people failed to get the joke and thought I was making some crack about vintage scooters).

Date: 2007-09-17 21:07:57
Comments: Geez, this site sure is getting full of haters. Where's the love?

oFk Date: 2007-09-17 20:51:03
Comments: other than only having 1488 miles?

apdX  Date: 2007-09-17 19:12:31
Comments: am i the only one that's a little disturbed by the odometer readout?

Date: 2007-09-17 15:05:08
Comments: Instant karma's gonna get you, besides they's plenty of 'em doing just fine.

Date: 2007-09-17 14:18:41
Comments: your crank will break...

Mel  Date: 2007-09-17 13:48:33
Comments: hah hah...I love my Stella...and I will ride an extra 2000 miles.

Date: 2007-09-17 13:44:20
Comments: ride an extra 2000 miles and we'll see...

Mel  Date: 2007-09-17 13:02:01
Comments: actually runs.

Date: 2007-09-17 11:59:05
Comments: still not a vespa...

Mel  Date: 2007-09-17 10:14:36
Comments: Hail HotPink! We must secure the existence of our Stellas and a future for lineage scooters.

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