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Rob scoot  Date: 2003-02-24 11:04:58
Comments: you are really gay and make me feel bad cause we have the same name

Jedi Chad  Date: 2002-07-16 13:01:28
Comments: I wasnt particularly in the macking mood saturday night... but, yes this photo does not tell the entire tale..

mykr.  Date: 2002-07-16 10:17:01
Comments: Chad - yer just jealous that Rob was gettin' his mack on and you weren' doesn't matter anyway since she went home with Brooke that night and Rob slept in the back of a pickup with another guy.

illnoise  Date: 2002-07-14 21:08:24
Comments: e) she's fourteen years of age and has crabs.
Chrissy: "Bryan, ask yourself, if you were her, and you got invited back to a motel full of drunk sociopaths like us, would *you* come?"
Bryan: "Is that rhetorical?"

Jedi Chad  Date: 2002-07-14 20:17:43
Comments: What's wrong with this picture?
A) Rob's in it.
2) So is a girl, who doesn't appear nasty from this angle.
C) Rob's talking to her and she isnt running away.
IV) All of the above

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