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hack  Date: 2008-04-23 16:52:13
Comments: Yo Hastings, if this fruitcake eats your liver can I have your 150super?

Date: 2008-04-18 01:41:16
Comments: What was funny was when the Minions trailered there bikes from Spokane to Inland Invasion!

Tom Sandstrom  Date: 2008-04-18 00:48:56
Comments: Please delete this pic. Enough "rattling cages" with fellow scooterists. The petty politics has to end! I'm making a another gesture of willingness to make peace with the Spokane's current local scooter scene. That is a cool continuation of what I initially started 20 years ago inspired by Seattle's decades long scooter scene with the Spokane Scooter Society(89'-99'). The Minions have no full concept of how much I really dig, respect I have for them as fellow scooterists, and would like to be a friend to thier group. I don't want to be a Minion, as I will always be of the SSS. 2 initial meetings with them early last summer got -off on awkward foot or wheel.I had just through some very truamatic circumstances, and was over eager to meet them. I did'nt mean to "spook" them as I think I did. Someone has to bury any possible Hatchet. I'll make the move. With some people(like me) you meet, it takes a little longer time invested to build friendships with them, clearing up many mis-understandings if you give things a fair chance. That cannot be accomplished with 2 brief encounters. Minions, can't we all just get along? I put so much work into restoring my 67' Vespa VNB 150cc "Avalon IV". She is in far better shape now than when you all first seen her last summer briefly.