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Lord Tedford
Date: 2006-07-05 22:13:16
Comments: Now I know f'real that y'all are my kind of people. I'll bring a case of TastyKakes up next time Heather and I come up that way and we can stop our hearts together.
Date: 2006-07-05 18:45:29
Comments: this was the best bad food i've ever made!
Date: 2006-07-05 12:16:13
Comments: Sooooooooooooo gooooooooooood!
Date: 2006-07-05 08:49:25
Comments: That is what you call a little piece of deep fried heaven.
Date: 2006-07-04 22:18:55
Comments: Yikes -- I don't think even the Fat Boys have attempted that stunt, though the Rabble Rousers once dipped entire hamburgers (bun and all) in tempora batter and fired those up. It was like eating a sponge dipped in grease.
Date: 2006-07-04 21:10:30
Comments: wow - my heart seizes just looking at them.
Date: 2006-07-04 20:47:33
Comments: In an effort to live up to our recently awarded "Fat Boys SC award", we took our prize TastyKakes, dipped them in pancake batter and deep fried them. Proudly served as the dessert at our ECSC 4th of July picnic and BBQ. Thanks for the good times in Philly, and thanks for the TastyKakes!