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Kiezer Soze
Date: 2003-09-30 08:38:24
Comments: Day 27:
Mr. Menke, we must commend you on following through on our last task. But we'd also suggest that the next time you write up a paper, that you take a basic English composition class at your local Jr. college as we are not quite sure if you understand the concept of a topic paragraph and a concluding paragraph. Also, just for the record, the hat came with us without a struggle or a fight as we had found it abonded by the fence that long grand day. Beyond that we are happy with your attempt and do feel that you miss your hat.
Here is your next task of sorts for you and Ms. Chelsea. We will be sending the two of you a package in the next week or so. When you receive this package, you are to open it together and have your work mate record the event on his digital camera We wish to see your your ecstatic faces when you open said package after all. These pictures are to posted here on scoot.net and then they are posted to the same place as your current message on the scooterbbs.com. Is this understood?