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denny shortt  Date: 2005-09-27 10:14:03
Comments: Well do that Mike!
do you guys have t- shirts?

MikeScott  Date: 2005-09-27 07:20:30
Comments: Denny- I was really just going on about the photo to give scootermonkey a hard time... Now when you shoot a lammy, it's ok to center the image - they don't work half of the time anyway so it's expected to see a static shot of a Lambretta.

denny shortt  Date: 2005-09-26 14:58:14
Comments: Thanks guys for all the comments!
I like this image of my buddies bike, i think the colors pull from the grafitti. I left the wires in because I felt it gave off an urban feel. Mike, I agree and understand about the rule of thirds. But I leave it up to the individual. Thanks for all of the complements and suggestions. I think photography should be talked about. And Rob next time we will get a shot of a lammy

dc_rob  Date: 2005-09-26 10:04:40
Comments: well, if we're going to be picky, it should really be a lambretta ; )

MikeScott  Date: 2005-09-26 06:22:12
Comments: Centered-smentered. A bull’s-eye center shot is only good for target shooting and deer hunting; everyone knows that if you frame a scooter off-center with space in front it gives the appearance of movement.

scootermonkey  Date: 2005-09-25 17:44:08
Comments: I beg to differ Mr. Photo Genius, but the first photo is better because the subject of the photo ie. the scooter... is the centered.
I love you mike.

MikeScott  Date: 2005-09-23 13:08:29

MikeScott  Date: 2005-09-23 13:04:24
Comments: I'd crop the left edge along the side of the building, leaving out the wires/sky... oh wait, this isn't the photo critique site. Nice one.

dc_rob Date: 2005-09-23 12:21:12
Comments: nice shot