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Keizer Soze
Date: 2003-09-13 15:59:23
Comments: Mr. Menke, we went a little overboard on the idjiot call here. you are not an idjiot, jut a bit careless 9with and without the alcohol) and we are disappointed in that you didn't follow our orders. So please forgive the the idjiot call, we are not sorry though for letting SPARTICUS's dog pee on your hat though.
Kiezer Soze
Keizer Soze
Date: 2003-09-13 10:53:12
Comments: Day 13
Mr. Menke as you can see, have had to punish you and the your hat for being an idjiot. Now we know you are sitting there going "But I tried! I really tried!" and yes, we know you did "try", but none the less you screwed up (and without the usage of alcohol, which surprises even us) and we also have given you the benefit the doubt at several points, and guess what, you still screwed up.
Here's how it goes. So you couldn't find Mr. Rob Hodge and so you contacted a Mr. instead. OK, we give you benefit of the doubt here. You talk to this Mr. about a Cosa engine instead of a P-engine as we instructed you talk about putting into a Widebody Vespa. OK we give you benefit of the doubt again. Then you make transition to a Porsche Engine instead of a VW engine. But we give you benefit of the doubt because we know in Germany at the time that engine was still called a VW engine. Now we asked for detailed notes and what we get are antidotal notes, OK we give you benefit of the doubt here too. But where your idjiotism comes though is in the next stage. YOU POST SAID NOTES TO SCOOT.NET INSTEAD OF THE BBS AS WE INSTRUCTED OF YOU. Now don't give us "what BBS"? Bullshit. We see you make several posts to the BBS in last 48 hours so we know you know where said BBS is at. So because you have been idjiot we have Sparticus's dog Gromit, take a number 1 in your precious hat. Be thankful we not let dog take a number two along with his leakage. Now we must have hat dry cleaned again. Dumbshit.
Keizer Soze.
PS- for those who wanted to be reminded of what Mr. Menke was suppose to do this week for his dear hat, go to http://scoot.net/gallery/pic.html?pic=53387 and scroll down the page.