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Date: 2003-07-21 14:54:34
Comments: niceeeeeee
Date: 2003-07-21 09:34:10
Comments: And they're off for Peoria. as they were riding off, two mullets (father and son) were screaming insults at them from the Car Wash across the street. Tracie decided we should go over and hassle them. I had this big speech planned, something like "Y'know, a thousand miles that way, there's a city called New York, and a thousand miles that way, there's another city called Denver. While you're here vacuuming out your pickup truck, these brave fuckers are riding 2000 miles on mopeds. You'll never do anything that cool in your life, you pathetic fucks." But before I could get it out Tracie drove about three inches away from them and screamed louder than I've hever heard anyone scream: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and then burned out the tires leaving. I shit *my* pants, so I know they did, too.