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Date: 2004-06-07 00:26:37
Comments: Kristi kristi kristi I thuoght you understood me. You got the transgenders down. Sex reserch? Is that the scientific term? Maybe your better at correcting my 3rd grade spelling error. stay on the east side honey.
Date: 2004-06-07 00:18:41
Comments: Suckas!
Date: 2004-06-07 00:02:50
Comments: I drink more than you think, so their for I am. You don't even know what YOU are. Spell? Who needs to spell, When you rule.
Date: 2004-06-06 23:55:54
Comments: Shut up you foolish American girl. Keep up the study. You will never know with out a scooter.
Comrade Bodislav
Date: 2004-06-06 22:52:23
Comments: Who actually *wants* to understand the transgendered? I think you think you're more important and cool than you really are.
Date: 2004-06-06 07:23:31
Comments: a downward spiral toward unbelievably bad spelling? or toward a complete lack of understanding regarding the transgendered? fyi, the transgendered are not generally considered trannies (and even i, after 10 years in sex research, have no idea what transies are...).
Date: 2004-06-06 02:28:42
Comments: See what happens when you mess with transies. Rash! Outbreak! Panic! Hopelessnes! Dispare! It's a downward spirral after that.