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dawn corleone
Date: 2004-09-26 23:16:01
Comments: wow, i am dumb, i so didn't even see that...
at least the kid/extra appendage is wearing a helmet...
Date: 2004-09-26 19:56:21
Comments: That's not a small child. Nobody likes to talk about this but technically Todd is a conjoined twin. We just try not to make a big deal about it. The thing is that because of the way the twin gets nourishment, it never developed past puberty so he's really small. Sometimes when Todd gets drunk he does this really funny Willie Tyler and Lester routine with him. You know it's a kick-ass rally when you see Todd's little willie.
Date: 2004-09-26 15:46:04
Comments: I think they were referring to the small child riding in front on the red lammy.
dawn corleone
Date: 2004-09-25 22:58:50
Comments: and exactly HOW is that "NOT COOL"?
io mean, *I* wouldn't do it, but thank god SOMEONE will!
god bless scooter boys and thier shenanigans....
Date: 2004-09-25 21:21:46
Comments: thats just not fucking cool.
Date: 2004-09-11 18:23:56