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Date: 2002-09-03 14:48:29
Comments: Holy Shit! I hope he's doing ok. get well soon!
Das Twit
Date: 2002-09-03 00:40:57
Comments: Dana- I don't know the full story, as of Sunday night (he was hit Sunday morning), he (Vampire ScooterCluber) was going into surgery. Doble fractured leg (same leg) a fractued arm and broken wrist. Also a possible broken rib with complications.
Scooter vs truck. Truck always wins. Hopefully some one with more details can give out some better info than me and an update too.
Also, we raised over $700 for him Sunday evening. Many thanks Raffler's and of course to the gals who showed us their boob's for this generious gift to the poor guy who undergoing surgery.
Date: 2002-09-02 18:23:59
Comments: Damn, what's the story? That happen on the Sunday ride? Rider ok?