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megageek Date: 2005-08-14 02:05:44
Comments: Humans:Carnivorous, Animals:Tasty, Cows:Vegitarians. Humans eat vegitarians. Veggies lose.

pj chmiel  Date: 2005-08-11 22:25:19
Comments: Your comment could be rephrased as "since babies are made of meat too, should we eat them because they're defenseless and delicious and too stupid to talk?" Most of us would say no. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should.

unpossibles  Date: 2005-08-11 16:27:24
Comments: sorry - that was uncalled for. ignore that last comment.

unpossibles  Date: 2005-08-11 16:21:10
Comments: does that mean children should be fucked because they have a hole or two (or three)? that's messed up.

Date: 2005-08-11 15:58:23
Comments: If animals weren't suppose to be eaten, they'd stop tasting so damn delicious!