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Agent +.08
Date: 2002-09-16 16:02:48
Comments: a funny email from agent meat this am:
Freakin Holy censorship Batman. I'm happily flipping through the rated PG pics here at work, worst one so far was the one of some fishnet wearing chick's butt all hanging out (a very nice butt mind you, no complaints there). I got the screen maximized and one of my co-workers comes by going "hey cool, is that some scooter thing of yours". I'm saying "yeah, I didn't get to go to this one." So I'm flipping through the pictures and this girl is sitting there looking at them, till we get to some close up pic of Mayhem's package! "What the heck is that?" I'm yelling. I miss one rally and Mayhem goes all New Orleans, adult film star gay? What the heck was that costume, the devil if envisioned by the mind of Rock Hudson? I'm not gonna be able to keep hold of the title Agent "Meat" if that kid goes parading around like that all the time. Mayhem, you are some kind of crazy.
Agent Meat