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William Littman
Date: 2004-05-19 20:13:30
Comments: Seb , you keep getting better every day,thanks for putting my camera to good use, interstingly enough both the scooters and the original camera are from the same era, it seems that after a few years of digital furor we are returning to our roots in photography and wheels, I used to have a few motorino in Milan but they kept stealing them , the last one was a 1952 vespa red/ cream .any way the pics are bloody brilliant!! and could almost be ecta 200 cross process, the colors look solarized you have a few new trics ? va benne, keep surprising us !!
Date: 2003-05-08 09:04:08
Comments: these look like 4x5 color polaroids. if it were a smaller format (6x6, 6x7) you would get a black frame around the images. what did you shoot with a speedgraphic or something like that? whats up with the yellow...tugsten balanced? (type 64 maybe?)
jason TDC
Date: 2003-05-07 23:33:35
Comments: these pictures rule!
David K
Date: 2003-05-06 15:53:32
Comments: Yeah, great stuff. Is this with an old Polaroid Land Camera, but with color film or something? Brilliant photos.
Date: 2003-05-05 22:38:36
Comments: wow all your pictures look retro. love the white borders, they're ultra cool.