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Das Twit
Date: 2002-03-17 10:51:06
Comments: No "Lucky Dates" this weekend. And I wouldn't call my work art, just work in progress (or skill gathering). Oh how I love thee sarcasm thoguh!
Date: 2002-03-16 21:16:22
Comments: That wasn't me that made those comments. I have NO problem with you whatsoever - I love supporting other artists, especially such talented, fine ones like yourself. I don't think I can recall seeing such FABULOUS "PHOTODOCUMENTARIAN SKILLS"....BIG word...whoah! You're so smart too! BTW, DreamBoat, that was my Evil Twinner Chris who said that, and she said to FUCK OFF. Have a good rest of your weekend - you probably have another one of those "dates", huh??!!! Luuuuccccckkkkkkyyyyy Layyyyyyy-Deeeeeeeeeeeee. late.
Das Twit
Date: 2002-03-15 19:08:03
Comments: Nelly,
1) You knew your picture was being taken. As a matter of fact, this is the third one (and the only decent one) I took while you went and got food. Would you like me to post the the other two?
2) It's just a splice of life so to say. Would you rather all I take was cheesey posed shots? Or would you rather I work on photdocumentarian skills?
3) How exactly am I "Blackmailing" you BTW?
4) The caption fits, you are working as a "Serving Wench" at this point after all!
5) So am I "Jeff Allen" or "DDA"? Cou.d you make up your mind woman?!
DDA (or a Twit By Any Name)
Date: 2002-03-15 16:25:11
Comments: You call it "serving wench"? I call it "Jeff Allen has a problem where he has to wait until people are doing something that he would consider using as blackmail for his own pleasure". Getting your jollies DDA?
Ya ya
Date: 2002-03-14 00:16:19
Comments: Jeff your just jellous.....
Das Twit
Date: 2002-03-13 18:57:20
Comments: I call this one "Serving Wench!"
Date: 2002-03-13 18:50:40
Comments: Oh baby!