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Jedi Chad
Date: 2003-02-21 18:41:08
Comments: Find who? if its me you mean, Jesus H. Christ, I was waving that thing in everyones faces, i figured if they wanted it back, all they had to do was ask.
Date: 2003-02-21 16:11:09
Comments: I hope they Find you! and take pictures.
Puppetmaster John M. Stafford
Date: 2003-02-20 16:53:52
Comments: That's right Phil, the whole wedding was planned and conceived by none other than ME. What a brilliant stunt. And I made him pay for everything out of his own pocket. To top it off I got Chad to wander around the rest of the weekend wearing a Union Jack cape hoping that a mob of Brits would kick his ass.
Seriously you'd've saved Chad a wad of $$$ if you'd just performed the ceremony yourself at the bar of the Gold Spike Reverend Phil.
the Brits
Date: 2003-02-18 21:43:38
Comments: oi u fat twat! we're gonna get that flag back
Date: 2003-02-18 14:12:32
Comments: Congratulations?!? I just want a hug!
Jedi Chad
Date: 2003-02-18 08:40:13
Comments: Technically, since we were both intoxicated, the marriage is invalid. Now we get the courts to confirm that.
Unkie Phil
Date: 2003-02-18 08:12:41
Comments: No! ANd you're an Idiot for ever doing ANYTHING orchestrated by JMS. Especially on your own dime.
Hype is one thing, but this is a legally binding contract.
John M. Stafford
Date: 2003-02-17 12:48:57
Comments: "Dude, can you please give me some money to help pay for my divorce?"