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Warning: virtual() [function.virtual]: Unable to include '/fonts/font.cgi?Andale_Mono/24/shadow1/border=0/CC4444/Summit Point%20-%202001.gif' - request execution failed in /home/scoot/apache_html/gallery/summitpoint2001/index.html on line 13

These pictures were taken at Summit Point 2001 by various people, they are arranged by photographer.

You can see a list of which pictures people have added comments to at the picture comments page, or see all the thumbnails on one page.

There is a patch for this rally in the patch gallery.

POC_Phil   6 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow

espskalaw   9 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow

Tom_Pennington   18 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow

esra   12 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow

add_Tom   25 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow

32   12 Pictures  tiny thumbnails - slideshow