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Sergeant Gary

Here are a few pictures of me.
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture
Scooterist Picture

NameSergeant Gary
Lives inDayton, Ohio
About:I have been riding motorcycles since 1974 and scooters since 1997. I am a member of the Gem City Rollers in Dayton, Ohio. I currently ride a Genuine Blur 150 and Piaggio X9 but have previously owned a Honda Helix, Piaggio BV200, and Genuine Stella GB 150.

Scooters I own:
2006 Piaggio X9 Evolution500 cc scooter, great for the long road trips
2006Genuine Blur 150150 cc scooter great for commuting, quick and stops on a dime
2002Nova Cruz Voloci36 volt electric motorbike capable of 30 mph and up to 20 mile range