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cha cha de los corazones negros  Date: 2004-12-28 09:32:43
Comments: ooh your sracasm hurts. i took two pics cause A) i forgot to charge my battery and B) i was having too much fun. and there werent too many trannies. and i wasnt in drag.

pj chmiel  Date: 2004-12-22 02:36:08
Comments: Awesome set of pics, looks like I missed out on the fun of a lifetime. I would've expected a few dozen more "tranny upskirt" shots and contemplative pink-wigged self-portraits from you, Chad, but after much study I can see that your photographic vision was fully realized in just these two b/w shots of the band. Pretty avant-garde stuff. When will people finally get hip to the fact that El Gato Negro is the only place worth going in Chicago?

Silent Life Date: 2004-12-21 20:14:27
Comments: Chad your pictures suck