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Jedi Cha Cha  Date: 2003-06-01 23:24:18
Comments: Grace has the coolest house on the planet. On top of that, she has on obsession with Schaefer beer. I'm beginning to think that's my in... she can marry me and her last name will be Schaefer, I think that's the sign of ultimate commitment to the beer, and on top of that, I can live in "Malibu Chad's Dream House..."

illnoise  Date: 2003-06-01 20:42:07
Comments: Chad's apparently documenting Grace's kitchen to make a replica or something. Look how the hot dogs are alive in the first panel and dead in the second. I couldn't eat hot dogs for a while after I saw this poster the first time. I think it was a few minutes before I could eat them again.