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cha cha
Date: 2004-02-25 11:40:30
Comments: who cares? its pretty. and i dont have to ride it.
Date: 2004-02-24 17:02:20
Comments: So wise guy, why don't you impress me with a link to your ultra cool ride. Now is the time to put up or shut up.
Date: 2004-02-24 14:50:57
Comments: I don't consider scoots a "scene". I wrench scoots, I ride scoots and I like getting together with other scoot riders to trade, bullshit and party. Some of ugliest scooters at rallys are the fastest out there. After all, I can pick up a turd, paint it, polish it, put it on a silk pillow and put it on ebay, but in the end it's still a turd. This is turning out to be a discusion. So I will end my part here.
Captain America
Date: 2004-02-24 10:36:58
Comments: So basically everyone in your scooter scene has a perfect
scooter, with nothing bogded.
I wonder why everyone dosen't comment on all the F-UP
scooters every where at rallys? theres more shit than shine.
Date: 2004-02-23 14:00:58
Comments: When this scooter was on ebay I drove 3 hours from up north to take a look. There was some other guy there from the L.A. area looking at it also. The frame appeared to be cut and welded. The inside of the panels were a wavy mess. It had some funky honda ignition switch, there were several filler cracks in the hard to reach places. Not to mention all of the typical Asian shiny bits which are always a danger sign. I went over the thing inside and out. The guy offered to sell it on the spot for 3k with a crated gp200 engine. I offered him 600 for the motor. I think Mike at NOHO in L.A. looked at it also.
Date: 2004-02-23 12:05:16
Comments: I've seen this scooter very close up, the bondo work is very light incomparison to the vast majority of bondo work I've seen on SE Asian work. The paint work is rather good and I know having talked to the owner that the recieved a FREE GP200 (Indian) engine with the purchase. For how much he spent, this seems to me to have been a pretty good choice on his behalf.
Captian America
Date: 2004-02-23 11:08:37
Comments: Negative comments and pictures taking by camera made in asia.
By a person who drives an asian car, has a Sony TV/stereo,
and eats SUSHI.
And has never had a scooter as nice as this one!!!
This scoot was made in ITALY went to Asia and traveled
back to the good old USA and was ridden in Las Vegas.
The problem here is not that its from NAM,its that 90%
of the scoot is all ORIGIAL (frame,sheetmetal,hubs,even the
kick stand spring,and kicker)electrical has a few up grades.
I thout this scoot was BAD ASS and since there wasn't another
Ser.2 around, I appreciated just seeing it being ridden.
Date: 2004-02-17 00:04:12
Comments: BIG time nam. looks OK from 15 feet though. ; )
Date: 2004-02-16 18:55:58
Comments: nam