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Date: 2002-06-14 14:04:48
Comments: that's corrie - scooterless local portland girl looking for a smallframe - most often spotted on the back of cameron's vb1.

zach  Date: 2002-06-10 23:55:25
Comments: who is she...i asked many portland locals but no one knew her name,,,she was the hottest girl at the whole rally...

Fredrik H.  Date: 2002-06-10 16:44:30
Comments: This one is in good shape, or is it renovated? It's hard to tell without veiwing the side panels. Nice paintjob though.

-e Date: 2002-06-04 16:36:24
Comments: Yes, rice tastes good.

boy  Date: 2002-06-04 13:18:12
Comments: Yummy!