Classifieds Photo Gallery Guestbook Chat Calendar
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The main pages here are:

  • Classified Ads - page where you can buy $20 SX 200's that have been in a farmers barn for 25 years, or post your own ad.
  • Photo Gallery - photos and video of our scootering adventures.
  • Patch Gallery - Scans of rally patches.
  • Stolen Scooter Registry - If you've had a scoot stolen, add info about it here. If you haven't, see if there's any you recognize.
  • Jetting database - See what carb setups other have had success with, add your bike too.
  • Links - the obligatory list of approved sites and you can add your own links too.
  • Chat - stop in for a live chat with other scooterists.
  • Calendar - Rally dates and details, please post your rally info.
  • Scooterist Profiles - if you're a regular user of the site you can create a profile, and list your favorite rally photos.
  • Wiki - There's a wiki for scooter FAQ's, please contribute if you can.

There is also an ongoing documentation of Bill's 56 NSU Prima restoration, and scanned copies of the Prima owners Manual, 1956 dealers maintenance manual and it's 1957 suppliment and a 1960 NSU factory press book.

You can contact me via the contact page.

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For Sale
1964 PIAGGIO VESPA GL150 (125 CC) - Classic Scooters UK (England). We CATEGORI...

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March, 2025